This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood
25 minute morning routine for improved mood
The way we begin our day can set the tone for the rest of the day. Here are 5 steps to improving your mood.
Gentle awakening (5 minutes)
What to do: As soon as you wake up, avoid reaching for your phone. Instead lie in bed for a moment and take three deep breaths.
Affirmation: silently say, “I welcome this day with ease, gratitude, and joy”
Body practice: Stretch your arms above your head, point and flex your feet, and gently roll your shoulders to release any stiffness.
2. Hydrate and set intentions (5 min)
What to do: Drink a glass of warm water (add lemon and a pinch of salt
Reflection prompt: ask yourself, “What's one word I want to guide my day?” Examples: peace, confidence, Gratitude.
3. Journal: Write down your word and one thing you’re grateful for.
4. Somatic movement or stretching. (5 min)
Gentle yoga (sun salutations or seated stretches).
Somatic shaking: Stand with feet hip-width apart and gently bounce or shake your arms, legs, and torso to release stagnant energy.
Intuitive movement: Let your body guide you-sway, stretch or dance to soft music.
5. Eat a nourishing Breakfast (10 min)
What to do: Prepare a light, balanced meal with food that makes you feel good. Examples:
Warm oatmeal with berries and nuts.
A smoothie with greens, fruit, and protein.
Eggs and avocado on whole-grain toast.
Mindful eating: Eat slowly and savor each bite. Focusing on textures and flavors.